
segunda-feira, abril 27, 2009

Germany's Secret Weapons in World War II

Germany Weapon

Roger Ford, "Germany's Secret Weapons in World War II" Motorbooks International
Zenith Press | 2000 Year | ISBN 0760308470 | PDF | 144 Pages | 6.6 Mb
During the course of war, man's ingenuity inevitably results in the development of new tools of destruction. At no time and place in history has this been more true than World War II Germany, when scientists and engineers of the Third Reich mounted a campaign intended to change the face of warfare itself. Superbly illustrated with full-color drawings and specially commissioned cutaways, this study provides a wealth of information on all of Germany's secret weapons programs during World War II, offering an in-depth look at Germany's successes and failures with rocketry and jets, helicopters, submarines and torpedoes, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, anti-tank armaments, and surface-to-surface missiles. Each piece of artwork is accompanied by a comprehensive specification table.

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